7up Knitted Bus


Can you yarn-bomb an iconic part of London, as part of 7up’s global brand refresh campaign?


Concept ◆ Creative Direction ◆ Design ◆ Production ◆ Delivery

We were asked by PepsiCo and Porter Novelli to “Yarn-bomb” an iconic part of London, with Magda Sayeg (urban knitting artist and the inventor of yarn-bombing) as part of 7up’s global brand refresh. We invented a number of solutions (from bridges to buildings). We finally settled on… a classic, iconic Routemaster bus.

Working with Magda Sayeg, inventor of guerrilla knitting, we transformed a classic and iconic Routemaster bus in just 8 days, at Pinewood Studios, into an iconic, original and refreshing sight on the London skyline.

As a moveable artwork it reached more eyes than a static installation, as well as achieving global reach through press coverage in 140 countries, as well as on social.

Following the campaign, all knitted elements were removed and donated to animal shelters to provide bedding for the winter. Some parts were saved and gifted to key stakeholders within PepsiCo.

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