Chief Sleep Office at Bensons for Beds


What can Bensons For Beds do during the January blues, when everyone just wants to stay under the covers, to entertain, surprise and delight?


Concept ◆ Creative Direction ◆ Casting ◆ Locations ◆ Shoot

January. The one month of the year we all wish we could stay hidden beneath our duvets. It’s also the time of year when most of us look for a new job. Why not tackle both these problems with a simple solution? Along side Holy Wow PR, we invented the role of Chief Sleep Officer at Bensons For Beds and staged a sleepy commute.

‘Sleep deprived commuters’ in pyjamas and dressing gowns travelled through London as Bensons for Beds announces applications were open for its new Chief Sleep Officer position. The new role will pay £10K for a 6 month part time contract which covers 874 hours of training, napping and shopping.

The new role was announced as it was revealed that the week second week of January is the most popular week to look for a new job, with the average worker getting bored after three years in a role. The same study also reveals that when quizzed on their ‘dream job’, 50 per cent say the most important thing would be flexible working hours, while 30 per cent would happily stay in bed all day as a full-time job.

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