How do we enter into the public conversation around eating complete, and the lack of nutrition in today’s average diet?


Concept ◆ Creative Direction ◆ Design ◆ Production ◆ Delivery

This ask came in at the height of lockdown, 2020. Traditional wet pubs were struggling to open under Tier 2 COVID-19 restrictions, which stated that alcohol could only be served with a ‘substantial meal’. Without kitchens, some pubs resorted to interesting interpretations of what a ‘substantial meal’ could be whilst others faced permanent closure. Are scotch eggs a substantial meal?

So we invented the Huel Substantial Meal Boxes.

Free, ready-to go kits, of spoons and napkins… and 1,000 substantial meals of Huel’s new Hot & Savoury range to allow wet pubs to re-open. All we asked was that the pubs provide a kettle. Because Huel is just that quick, convenient and simple. It’s also healthy and substantial too.

We wanted to save struggling pubs, save livelihoods, and save punters from relentless Scotch eggs. But it also allowed Huel demonstrate what its products do, breaking assumptions of it as a diet or fitness product… firmly establishing Huel as quick, convenient, healthy meals and jumping into the middle of the public debate on healthy eating too.

“Brave and brilliant!”


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