Walkers Snackstumes Are Back!
Given the huge demand for our Scarily Giant Snackstumes last year, can we bring them back and make even more giant Monster Munch and giant Wotsits, for consumers this Halloween?
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Walkers asked us to bring back its set of Scarily Giant Snackstumes following its sell out official launch last year. The iconic ‘Scarily Giant Wotsit’ and the ‘Monster Munch’ costumes made their come back, on sale at snackstumes.co.uk for the 2024 Halloween season, allowing crisp fans to fancy-dress to impress, and standout among their friends.
For the 2024 re-stock, the Snackstumes brand, website, and packaging were all updated. The units were sold online and shipped in the boxes, with influencer costumes gifted in scarily giant crisp packets!
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