Katherine Ryan’s Giant Wotsit


Can you make us a bespoke Halloween costume for comedian and well known Wotsit-enthusiast, Katherine Ryan?


Creative Direction ◆ Design ◆ Fabrication

Walkers and Splendid Communications asked us to create a bespoke giant plush Wotsit costume for comedian and known Wotsit-enthusiast, Katherine Ryan. To maintain momentum for the Walkers Snackstumes campaign, and secure a further burst of coverage and talkability over Halloween weekend.

Stepping out, looking like a real snack, Katherine and her husband were snapped by papz on their way to a Halloween party. The pics were sold into showbiz media, generating mass coverage across national, broadcast, regional and consumer media. Katherine’s accompanying Instagram post was a huge hit with her followers, generating over 46k likes and 700 comments.

“I’ve gone for a different kind of ‘irresistible’ look, dressing as my favourite snack of all time – take a look!”

Katherine Ryan, Comedian & Wotsit-enthusiast

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