Can you design and build an attraction at Leeds Trinity, to distribute pick-n-mix to shoppers, but based on the theme of music?


Concept ◆ Creative Direction ◆ Fabrication

We were asked by LandSec to design and build pick-n-mix space based on the theme of music, that would pop-up at Trinity Leeds for the Summer of 2023. So we invented Pick Your Mix. A space that allowed visitors to discovered what their music tastes taste like (as pick-n-mix) by alining a selection of sweets to songs. As guests entered the space they could pick create their playlist and in turn create their perfect sweetie selection to takeaway.

The 4m high arch and super-sized DJ decks appeared in the main atrium for the whole summer. Guests were able to listen to top summer music mixes to refine their music tastes, then pick their mix of sweet to take home… choosing from 40 varieties of musically aligned treats – from flying saucers and foam shrimps, bon bons, milk bottles and gummy bears.

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